Workplace Compliance Solutions provide consultancy services to your business and can cover your training needs including health and safety and haccp

Workplace Compliance Solutions Limited

For all your business compliance needs

08453 888 852

Are you thinking about selling your business?

Thinking about a few questions

  • Do I need to sell now or can I be paid over a longer period such as 5 or 10 years?
  • Do I have strong feelings about the present workforce?
    For example, would I sell the business knowing that it would be moved to another county?
    Would I sell the business knowing the new owner would replace all of the existing employees?
    At what point do I publicly announced a plan to sell the business.
    At what point do I tell the existing employees and what do I tell them?
  • Do I own the building?
    Is it owned by the business or is it in a separate entity such as owned personally?
    Would I want to sell the building as part of the business or would I prefer to handle that separately?
  • Do I have a family member or relative that is interested in the business? Are they capable of running a business? Do they have the leadership and management skills?
  • Do I have a exit plan and a transition plan?
  • Do I know what the business is worth?
    How do I determine a fair value?
    How can I maximize the return on my investment?
  • Should I try to sell the business myself, use a business broker or a business advisor?


There is no “one size fits all” solution. We can provide you with information so you can make the best decision.</p>

We will meet with you and explain:

  • The five biggest mistakes owners make when selling their businesses.
  • The Four different options for selling your business.
  • An analysis and recommendation for the best approach for your unique situation.
  • Resources to help you.

One of our accredited Associates will meet with you at your business.

You will receive a presentation concerning:

  • *All of your possible options
  • *Our recommendation concerning your best option
  • *Names of professionals who can help you achieve your goals

You are under no obligation to use our organisation or recommended resources.

We are here to provide information; you will make your own decision.

Contact Us

To find out more about our services, please either call us on 08453 888 852 or email us at